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Digestive Health

The human intestines are 20+ feet long and house over 80% of our body’s serotonin (the neurotransmitter often associated with depression and anxiety) and is a large part of your body’s immune system, not to mention has enough surface area to cover a tennis court.

As a result, gastrointestinal health is paramount for the health of every cell in your body. Nutrients we require come from our gut, and when this system is not functioning at its prime everything else suffers. Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Fatigue, Immune Problems, Allergies, Skin Conditions/Acne, and Headaches are just some of the conditions that can be improved by simply improving our digestive function.

Supporting this foundational system is a critical component to a successful plan.


Ways that I impact Gastrointestinal health and can further your care:

  • Dietary and Nutrition Care
  • Connecting gastrointestinal interventions to biochemistry imbalances identified by genetic testing.
  • Food Sensitivity/Allergy Testing
  • Comprehensive Stool testing – beyond that of the standard laboratory
  • Focused treatments with a goal of restoring normal function.
  • Most importantly recognizing and treating the body as a whole .